Wednesday, 22 April 2015

To Cut Or Not To Cut

Year 2009.

I was pregnant with Princess C. At around 7 months, I decided to check out the pre natal class offered by the hospital. It cost TB4500. Snacks included. I was there for the class. Daddy was there for the food. We learned a lot from Becky, our instructor from US. She is also a doula. We met 3 most wonderful couple who are expecting just like us. Max and Tracy from Australia. Andrew and Fon from Germany and Thailand. Graeme and Rie from South Africa and Japan. We all hoped for a painless NATURAL birth.

Pre Natal Class At BNH Hospital

Year 2010.

Fast forward. I was the first to give birth. And to much disappointment (or relief), I was scheduled for an elective Caesarean section. Reason being, Princess C was in a breech position. It was a quiet but not so peaceful Friday evening. The Red shirt protest in Bangkok. The situation was bad. Every where there were road blocks. Army and police patrolling. We reached BNH Hospital around 9 pm after a heavy dinner. Check into my ward. And it was huge, like huge for a single room standard. The nurse wheeled me in the operating theatre early in the morning. Since it was a planned c section, Daddy D was allowed to join in. It was really fast. Dr Rainni gave me the spinal, then within few minutes, I can't feel the lower part of my body. Then the operation began. I was quite nervous. Okay. Really scared. There was so many people in the operating theatre, my Ob Gyn, the other Ob Gyn that I haven't seen before. The Paediatrician. The Anaesthesiologist. And at least 5 nurses. Is like a party in there. Within 5 minutes after the spinal. Princess C was born. Tears in our eyes, our first born. Our beautiful Princess C. After the baby is out, I was given some gas to sleep, and Dr Suchittra continue to stitch me up. By the time I woke up, I was in the recovery ward, and within few minutes I was wheeled back to my own ward. First day after the operation, I was not allowed any food by mouth. Only drip, I was really hungry. Starting to feel the pain from the C Section, but was bearable, as I was also given painkiller in the drip. Bed rest for the whole day, can't move. They inserted a catheter in my bladder. Then second day, I was allowed only soft food. Not good. I can move a little, I tried to walk. The nurse gently remove the catheter. The journey to the wash room was like to me, climbing mount Everest. Third day, normal food. I never thought that plain rice can taste so good. I can walk without pain, everything goes back to normal. I was discharged on the fourth day.

Happy Birthday Princess C

Year 2012.

Here we go again. Another C Section for me. This time Speedy C was in a good position. Just that he was too big for my pelvic I guess. Dr Suchittra suggested me to go for another C Section as she worried my old scar will rupture. Sounds so scary. Well everything was just the same, same procedure, same team. I was just as nervous as last time. The operation theatre is always so cold and so over whelming. After I got my spinal, the labour began. I was shaking and wanted to vomit, but luckily I did not. They put up the curtain to cover the lower part of my body, and the team of doctors and nurses did their magic. I even imagined is like a magic show, they put up the curtain, and 'poof' the baby is out. Magic, right? And I didn't feel anything, except for the tugging and pulling, is not painful, but felt so strange. Recover this time was a little bit faster I guess. My body was telling me I need to heal fast now. I have a newborn and a toddler to take care now.

Happy Birthday Speedy C

Year 2015.

First time giving birth in Malaysia. Dr Loo Suat Chin is the best Ob Gyn in Malaysia, well if you ask me. Her appointments is always full. I have to wait for 2-3 hours every visit, and I only get to see her for 10 minutes, but is worth it. She is always so bubbly, caring, and kind. I didn't even need to ask, she ordered another C Section for me, as it was to late to try VBAC. Well, fine to me. The time has come for Tiny C to see the world. Third time's a charm, but not for me. Nervous as usual. To make it worse, is a different hospital and different environment. Procedure is so different from BNH Hospital. Dr Paul gave me the spinal, and again they put up the magic curtain. And Dr Loo ever so swiftly cut me open and 'poof' comes out Tiny C. But no this time, Dr Paul did not give me any sleeping gas. I was awake the whole operation. Not good. I can here the stitching and cutting. Good thing is I get to see my precious bundle and breastfeed her immediately. She look exactly like her sister. Recovery was so much faster. Like I can eat after the operation, like proper dinner. And I was expected to walk the day after. That was fast. I did not feel drowsy. But this time, it was painful. I can feel like every time I moved, some one is slicing my tummy. Ouch! But I heal faster. Now I have a newborn, a toddler and a pre schooler to take care.

Happy Birthday Tiny C

I still think that if I was given a chance to try natural birth. I would. But hey, C Section is not all bad. But if you can do it. Go natural.

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